Friday, June 15, 2007

so this is it?????

i woke up so early just to get my self to go to school and the fucking prof did not come errr now im so bored i dont really have friends here i dont know why it is so hard for me to make friends with them maybe because i just dont like myself and im pretending to be someone else i just cant stop pretending whenever im with other people im always an actress everyday whenever im with other people im tired of being an actress now id rather be ALONE and talking to myself ,

haaay i am now a senoir in colllege i think and i am worried that my subject will be very difficult this year huh! last year i used to get high gardes i hope it will still be good this year i dont want to dissappoint my parents they are sacrificing too much for me i wish i could repay them soon....... i am so sad whenever i see them working so hard and they cannot stop because we still need boyfriend told me to be more positive and leave the rest to God Raquel stop worrying of the thigs that are not still happening! raquel! listen to me! THINK POSITIVE!

my friends asked me to treat them a lunch today because i didnot treat them last my 16 becasue it mah bday last month but i dont have a money should i tell them or not i hoipe my mom could lend me some money so i will not be embarresd with my friends,

1 comment:

Manimala said...

Raquel is there any chance that you can get a job? Maybe there's an opening on campus, such as in the library. Then you don't have to feel as guilty. And make sure to apply for as many scholarships as possible. God Bless.